Jannik Grothusen

I'm a graduate student at TU Hamburg, where I study Mechatronics with a focus on learning-based control. I've spent two semesters at UC Berkeley and now I'm doing research on robot learning at TUM.

In 2023, I was part of Entrepreneur First's W23 Grad cohort in London, where I worked on real-world applications for robotic learning.

Before that, I was building robotic kitchens at GoodBytz as one of their first employees. Also, I worked on autonomous electron accelerators at DESY.

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I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, and control theory. Most of my research is about learning-based control for physical systems.

Hand-held Data Collection for Learning of Manipulation Tasks
Research Project, TU Munich, 2024
Thesis / Presentation / Recording / Code

A data collection framework for robot learning of manipulation tasks.

Supervisors: Daniel A. Dücker & Sami Haddadin - MIRMI @ TU Munich

Finetuning a Generalist Robot Policy to a new Observation and Action Space
Project, London, 2023
Website / Code

Finetuning Octo to a new observation/action space for ALOHA/ACT tasks.

Learning Model Predictive Control with Attention for Real-World Navigation
Research Project, UC Berkeley, 2023
Paper / Code

Integration of attention mechanisms into MPC for a learnable control policy.

Supervisors: Tony Zheng & Francesco Borrelli - MPC Lab @ UC Berkeley

Machine Learning toward Autonomous Accelerators
Internship, DESY, 2022
Website / Report

Reinforcement learning for the automatic start-up of electron linear accelerators.

Supervisors: Oliver Stein & Annika Eichler - MSK @ DESY

Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Grasping with an Underwater Robot
Bachelor's Thesis, TU Hamburg, 2022
Thesis / Presentation

A control architecture for autonomous grasping with a micro underwater robot.

Supervisors: Daniel A. Dücker & Robert Seifried - MuM @ TU Hamburg


Talk and Q&A at Alexandria's Cognitive Robotics Event
Event, Munich, 2023
Post / Website

Presenting my thoughts on Google DeepMind's Robotic Transformer RT-2 alongside its lead author Yevgen Chebotar to a group of interested students.

Transatlantic Forward-Thinking Forum (at UC Berkeley & Stanford)
Event, Bay Area, 2023
Post / Website

Co-organizing a conference to foster dialogue among individuals from European and US politics, government, businesses, think tanks, academia, and students.

This website is based on Jon Barron's source code.